Redesigning the UI for the “Create Account” user flow


My high level goals for the redesign:

  1. To meet with Jeremy (PM) to outline the requirements to know what user information we needed that was currently missing.

  2. Conduct a quick competitive analysis to see how other designers approached this UX|UI. Did this buy going through this user flow on other sites + dribble.

  3. Organize the input sections and make it visually appealing for users to complete and complying with WCAG guidelines.

Redesigned UI + Currently on KPT

The changes made:

  1. Reorganized and categorized the input fields.

  2. Applied brand colors throughout UI to help increase brand identity + awareness throughout the users engagement with the product.

  3. Introduced subscription option to satisfy business requirement and up-sell product to new users.



Iterations (mockups)

This mockup has not been shipped yet.


Exciting new mockups

After some time, Jeremy (PM) wanted me to revisit the “account flow” and this is the mock up from a brainstorm session.

  1. Radial gradients were introduced during this new version of the flow to remove the “flatness” from the UI. We blended the colors to add depth to the screen as the users go through the account creation.

  2. The subscription cards were combined to reduce the number of clicks and allow the users to make edits to their information if needed.


Foodee | Social App for Foodies


KnownPoint UI Redesign | Payment Screen